About the Blog & Author

Fantasy Writers Unite is a blog about reading and writing speculative fiction, it also battles the tough topics of humor and historical inaccuracies. Enjoy!
The Author:

Jennifer is a time traveling half vampire half vampire-slayer kung-fu master. She uses her vast knowledge of all things historic and all things fantastical to illuminate the minds of her readers. 

On a duller note, she completed her bachelor degree in English with an emphasis in creative writing at Michigan State University. In 2012, she finished her Master degree in Interdisciplinary studies focusing on English and history from Western New Mexico University. 

She is a writer and reader of fantasy and science fiction. She has completed several novels, is drowning in a sea of novel ideas and is working on publishing a book she co-authored with her good friend Andrew Grace.

Feel free to contact her if you have questions about history, time travel, vampires, kung-fu, writing or guest blog entries.

Contact information:


Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JenniferInnesAndrewGrace

Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/TheLameUnicorn

Youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YTBwaiBS4hqN1RcjJoP9g

Blogger Profile: http://www.blogger.com/profile/17619839376948089408

Interview at Whohub: http://www.whohub.com/innesjen

Creative Consultants:



These creative consultants spend their days supervising and critiquing all efforts of the author. In addition to meeting their unreasonably high standards and extreme demands, the author often features these two in comics.