Jenny's World of Little Known Facts:
Mermaids are the biggest aquatic floosie. Yes they are more promiscuous than manatees.
Orcs love a good bedtime story. If you refuse to tell them one - you die, if you tell them a bad story - you die, if it doesn't have enough romance - you die, if you don't have the ending they want - you die. Ultimately if you encounter an Orc looking for a tale, you're going to die, but don't worry it'll be an honorable death.
When the centaur was being created, they were first considered manhorses, but when they realized that they were being associated with seahorses, and that they were expected to carry their young (not to mention they were not nearly as cute as seahorses) they opted to change the name of their species. Here's the list of names they went through:
Manhorses - 2,000 BC
Spidermans - 1,000 BC (inaccurate due to only having 6 arms instead of 8)
Human carriers of humans - 500 BC (HuCaHu for short)
Hercules Haters - 1 AD
Centaurs - 100 AD
Greek Taxis - 500 AD
Side Kick to Awesome Human Fighters - 1000 AD
Fons - 1400 AD (Short for Freak of Nature)
Cowboys - 1800 AD
James A. Garfield Haters - 1880 AD (It has been suggested that a centaur may have been behind his assassination)
Centaurs - 1900 AD